10 years ago
Monday, November 2, 2009
Fall Fun
The kids seemed to enjoy this month because they got to do a lot of things.... from Ashlyns 2nd b-day, to playing in the leaves, going to the pumpkin patch, carving them, going to a Halloween party, trick or treating, but most of all they LOVED dressing into their costumes. They cant wait until next year.

Monday, October 12, 2009
Family Pictures
I got my little brother to come and take a few family pictures of us before the weather was too cold to take them... he did a pretty good job considering that he doesnt own a camera. We took them up Provo Canyon. Because we were on limited time (it getting dark, and the kids being in a good mood) we took pictures of a place i wanted to for a long time. I wish i would have had more of the fall colors in the trees... but thats ok. Good job John :) 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Happy Birthday Ashlyn....
Today my little princess is getting bigger and bigger. She turned 2 years old today. How it seems like it was yesterday that we were in the hospital getting ready to have her. She in the past 2 years has brought so much joy into my life. Her adorable dimples as she smiles. How she wraps her arms so tight around my neck to give me a hug.Always wanting to give me kiss after kiss and smiles thinking its funny. She loves her brothers and copy's everything her big brother does. When it comes to her little brother- she tries at times to be the "mother" to him. Its very cute. Everything about her makes my heart melt. She is for sure my little princess. Happy Birthday Ashlyn. 

Monday, September 7, 2009
Haydens Baby Blessing
Yesterday we blessed Hayden in church. It was a great experience for the family. We were able to have some family and many friends come to the blessing. I am so grateful for the gospel that is in my life, and that i have the opportunity to teach my children about our Savior and the truths of the gospel. I am thankful that Mike is a worthy preisthood holder and was able to give such a wonderful blessing. After church we had a little lunch-in with some family and friends. It was overall a great day!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Mike's New Car........
Friday, August 7, 2009
The start of reality
So its day 2 of me being solo with the 3 kids. I think to my self.... I can handle 3 kids, its not as hard as I thought it was going to be. But then its haydens feeding time and thats when it all changes. They fight, hit, yell, want something that requires my full and undivided attention, and or get into something they are NOT allowed to get into. I know it will take time for them and for me to adjust. While my mom was here I watched her and got ideas of what I needed to do to make things go smoothly w/ my kids. And that is to keep them busy all day long. By playing w/ play do, painting, playing- swimming outside, reading, putting puzzles together, play hide-in-seek. But I do have to admit- me doing it for 1 day wore me out! :) I am very sad that my mom is gone, no more clean house, cooked meals every night, and 2 happy kids. I will do my best to do as she does because I did notice that everything ran so smooth. I am so glad that I had help for almost 3 weeks (thanks for Mikes mom and grandma coming as well as my mom) the help will for sure missed! 

Sunday, July 26, 2009
ITS A BOY......
Im sure most of you have heard but we had our baby on, July 21- (tuesday). We were so excited to go in and finally have the little one. His name is Hayden Michael and he was born at 3:36 pm. Weighted: 6 lbs 11 oz. and was 18 inches long. It was SOOOOOO exciting to wait to find out what we were having. I would suggest that to anyone who can do it. For me it was a little more emotional and like i said exciting. He (along with the rest of us) are doing well. Mikes mom and Grandma were here when I went into the hospital, so it was nice to have someone for the kids to be with- while Mike was w/ me at the hospital. After Hayden was born, Mikes brother came into town. Now they are gone, and my mom is coming here to help my out tomorrow for the next week and a 1/2. Thank goodness for helping moms! Here are a few pics of Hayden.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
they say.... NO news is Good News...
they say.... NO news is Good news... thats what "They" say, but not what I say. if your wondering Im talking about this baby that has been kicking, hick-uping, moving around, sitting RIGHT on my bladder (for the past few months), keeping me up all throughout the night- in my tummy STILL. I havent carried a baby this far along w/ both kids... so why is this one holding out on me? I was always told that it seems like the more kids you have the earlier you deliver each kid? i guess that is wrong. I am 39 weeks and go to my check up tomorrow. My doc and I never scheduled an inducement date because I (and he) honestly thought the baby would have come already. I didnt go to my 38 wk check up because I was in the hospital thinking it was time. Nope I was wrong. I was contracting every 5-6 minutes (consistent for nearly 3 hrs + ), so I got a sitter for the kids, mike left work early to take me to the hospital. Once we were admitted, the RN checked me, I was dilated at a 2- she left and we sat in the room getting monitored, a little over an hour she came back in and checked me again- no progress, still contracting the 6 minutes. She told me because I wasnt 39 weeks they couldnt do anything to speed up my contractions and get me dilating more.And if I was 5 minutes or LESS i could have stayed. But I wasnt So i got sent home :( * I was only shy of my 39 weeks by just a few days* So now im chilling dealing w/ the massive heat, dealing w/ the needy kids, and trying to enjoy the most uncomfortable part of the pregnancy (the last few weeks.) Im crossing all my fingers and toes that things will happen very soon- like today would be nice! Or that when i go to my docs tomorrow morning he will tell me " WOW MISSY YOU NEED TO GO STRAIGHT TO THE HOSPITAL- ITS TIME" ok thats wishful thinking. Im sure the next post on here will be pics of the new addition to our family. :) Just be patient is all i have to tell my self.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Pictures of the kiddos..
A few weeks ago I took pictures of the kids and its hard to get 2 kids to sit, pose, smile, listen and get the "perfect" shot by your self.... but i think in the 10-15 minute attention span that they had there were some that I thought were cute and turned out well. I didnt want to post them earlier because Mike got them as a partial gift for fathers day.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
in-n-out of the hospital...
Im not having the joys of being pregnant w/ this pregnancy. Ive been blessed cause my life can be much worse or difficult, so i shouldnt complain.... but I am!!! I am only 34 weeks and i went into the hospital to get checked out for "prelabor" directed from my doctor. 2 days ago i had contractions ALL day about every 4-6 minutes apart. I called labor and delivery Sunday afternoon and they told me to drink lots of fluids and take a bath. It seemed to help a little so i choose not to go in. Monday was fine... Today (tuesday) I contracted a little but then i got a bad stomach pain in my tummy. After a few hours of the pain-not going away at all- i called my doctor to see if he wanted to see me. he said go straight to the labor and delivery. so i did...after getting checked and sitting in there for 3 hours + the results are that it seems that I have a kidney stone. :( and that means it can cause the contractions to get worse. about the Baby coming... i look to be OK in that department-so far! thank goodness because 1: im not ready, mentally or physically 2: because it is way too early- the baby needs to continue to grow, develop, and be fully healthy. and 3: if i were to have the baby soon... my mom is going to be out of town and wouldnt be here w/ me and i would need here w/ me :) (Selfish me i know) Like i said it could be TONS worse. I just pray that I will be able to survive the next 6 weeks w/ all the tummy pains plus the uncomfortableness of being prego. I know im a complainer! sorry!!!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Talk about a fun week...
We had the opportunity to have Mikes parents come for the week. The kids LOVED their grandpa and grandma and wanted to know where they were at all times. Ashlyn always took them books so she could be read too, and Parker wanted to do anything and everything with them. We first went to Great Grandma Pats for dinner and then came back to our place.

Bless Jims heart (Mikes Dad) he spent most of his so called vacation working/fixing things on our house. He did such a great job, never complained about doing it and got more than I expected. He refurbished a picnic table, fixed our steps to go outside, fixed our kitchen faucet, our many sprinkler heads and system, fixed a leak that was in our laundry room. He told us other things that we needed to do and how to do them. So while he was doing "work" grandma and I and the kids shopped, ate, played, and had fun. 

Here are just a few pics of the week. We went to a pro soccer game their last night (grandma stayed home w/ the kids so Mike and I could go) and it was a blast. David Archeleta performed afterwards. Overall it was a great week. The kids were sad to say their goodbyes.
Friday, May 29, 2009
A little history, about 2 months ago Mike got a scooter for super cheap- turned around a sold it (made 150.00) then put that money on a little fishing boat. He hopes to use it for a little while and then turn around and make a lot more money since he fixed it up. Mike took Parker fishing with him and a friend of Mikes (Brad). They went to a lake up Provo canyon and Parker did absolutely well. He had a blast. Every time they (Mike or Brad) caught a fish Parker was right there with the net to help out. They went for a couple of hours which Im sure was plenty for a 3 year old. They ended up catching 10 rainbow trout but only brought back 6. Parker called me a few times on the way home to tell me about the fish that they caught and made sure that I was out side waiting when they came home. 

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