Mikes work had a work party at the Salt Lake "Bees" baseball game. We had a blast other than the fact it was SOOOO hot. We ate dinner and watched the game. Around 9 pm the kids were getting fussy, tired of the heat, and were ready for bed... so we left the game(at the top of the 6th) to come home. Because it was July 24th, pioneer day, there was going to be a fire work show after. We missed that but lucky for Parker there were people outside by the house that were doing some of there own that he got to watch.
10 years ago
I don't think your kids could be any cuter! I love that they look alike! Miss you!
I think you've forgotten about Texas heat! No heat in Utah can be even comparable to what we experience down here. Happy 24th though! Hope ya'll are doing well.
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