Paker has out grown the diapers. Its been almost a month that Parker has been wearing underwear. We never pushed the issue too much. We would ask him and some times he would go many times he wouldnt. One morning he woke me up telling me he had to go "pee pee" so we went and that was the last time he wore a diaper during the day. I still put a diaper on at night, but for the past 3 weeks he has woken up with a dry diaper. He goes by him self. I dont have to take him or remind him. That is for # 1 and #2. We were lucky to have him potty train sooooo well. GREAT JOB Parker! Mom and Dad are so proud of you (like he can read this:) )
10 years ago
CONGRATS! what an awesome accomplishment...especially now that you'll only have 1 in diapers! WOO HOO!
Congratulations! I am so jealous! I stopped counting how many diapers I change a day. It looks like you guys had an awesome 4th of July too. Sorry I missed your call the other day. I will call you soon!
I am jealous! One day Drezden will be potty trained and I can look forward to him rididng his scooter in his undies:) James wants to play softball so just let us know when it starts!
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