Thursday, January 22, 2009

Parker Parker Parker...

In the past 2 days Parker has gotten dressed by him self and this is the out come of him doing so. Same pj bottoms! He is such a joy! He makes me laugh every day. Today his buddy gabe wanted him to play at his house... so I told parker to get dressed if he wanted to go. The picture of him w/ his hat is the one for today. the others were of yesterday. The one for today... its freezing cold outside and he knew that- that is why he had the hat on (which he told me). Kids are so fun and so worth having!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

1 week in the making....

One night last week I wasnt home to put the kids to bed and Mike put the kids to bed... ( i normally do cause hes at school) anyhow.... Mike let Parker go to bed in big boy underwear. he has been potty trained since summer but I was never ready for him to go to bed w/out a diaper... Mike apparently thought different. (Parker, in the 7 months had only have 1 wet diaper). Ever since then Parker will not wear a diaper to bed. So far so good. Its been a week and we are so proud of our big boy! He turned 3 in Dec. so we are glad that he picked up on that so quickly!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

OK...Its official

Its official... To those who dont know yet... Mike and I are having another baby! Yep it makes it #3 for us. I am a little over 12 weeks. I didnt really spread the word to too many people because I wanted to go to the docs first.. I did at 10 weeks and he wasnt able to find the baby's heartbeat, so he told me to come back in 2 weeks... i did just that. Once again- news that I wasnt wanting to hear. The Doc couldnt find or hear it again (with the doppler) so after my appointment, I waited for Mike to get off work and we went to get an ultra sound done. Right away I saw a little baby. And a heartbeat... the doc told me that everything looks great and that I dont have to worry anymore! Now I dont mind telling everyone the exciting news I was holding to so many people for the past month or so... My due date is July 21st (my oldest sisters b-day). We are relieved to know that everything is ok!